Here is the list of childcare providers who have been trained in safe sling use by our professionals.
We are also providing a module of training as part of the Sheffield Hallam University Early Years PGCE.
Scallywags Nursery Nether Edge, S7
Sunny Meadows Nursery, Handsworth, S13
University of Sheffield Union Nursery, Brunswick Street, S10
Parkhead Cottage Nursery, Ecclesall, S11
Sunflowers Children’s Centre, Gleadless, S12
Upsadaisy Nursery, Bellhouse Road, S5
Abbeydale Cottage Nursery, Abbeydale Road, S17
Edale Stepping Stones, Edale, S33
Shona Hardbattle (Jellybeans Childcare)
Joanne Close Long (Childminder)
Emma Lowe (Lowes Childminding)